D-Frag! Wiki
D-Frag! Wiki
Kanji 船堀
Gender Female
Height and Weight 155cm, 41kg
Birthday 7 February AQUARIUS ♒
School Fujou High
Class and Year 2-B
Club Cooking Club
Anime Episode 4 (Cameo)

Episode 5 (Actual)

Manga Volume 3 Chapter 16
Voiced By
Japanese Aki Toyosaki
English Felecia Angelle

Funabori (船堀) is a second year student at Fujou High and Kenji Kazama's classmate. She is good at doing housework and is often shown doing chores for the class.


Funabori (Character Art)

Funabori's character design

Funabori has shoulder-length black hair that is tied in low pigtails by two light-purple ribbons and grey eyes.


According to Chitose Karasuyama's guide book, Funabori is a nice, kind, domestic and considerate girl who leads to most of the guys in school to love and adore her.


Kenji Kazama

Funabori developed a crush on Kenji that she offered the leftovers of her lunch to Kazama after his lunch was eaten and she blushes when whenever she talks to Kazama.


Just like other characters' in D-Frag, their surnames are reference to railway stations in Japan as Funabori is derived from Funabori Station.

  • The surname Funabori means "boat, ship, vessel" (船) (funa) and "moat, ditch, canal" (堀) (hori/bori).
    • Like Takao, Funabori's full name hasn't been revealed.


  • According to Noe Kazama, Funabori is considered a goddess among the first years.
  • Funabori is considered to be the number one candidate for being a wife among the guys in school.
  • Funabori's dream job is to be a nurse, which is the reason she joined the first-aid group during the game tournament.

